How to add a new requirement

Online Facility Management allows users to add requirements, have them be organized, and even set reminders.

  1. “+Add”
  2. “Obligation”

Users can fill out the requirement to fit their needs, even stating how many days before they would like to be reminded about their requirement.

Once requirements have been completed, click “Create Requirements.”

When requirements are created, users will see them displayed to the right of the calendar. To have it displayed on the calendar, users have to meet requirements of setting a date for it to be placed on the calendar. Clicking on the calendar emoticon shows users what requirements are missing and need to be met before it is moved to the calendar.

To plan the requirement, users must write a date, time, and place responsibility for the requirement on an admin user or manager. Contact number and notes can be added as well.

Once requirements are planned users can see them on their calendars and plan their days accordingly.

Default Device Type Requirements and Ad Hoc Device Requirements

Now that users know how to add requirements to their devices, if you haven’t, check out the blog on creating requirements (ad hoc), they may find that every device under the same type have some requirements that must be done. To prevent a repetitive and time consuming process, users can assign default requirements to a device type which will be attached to all of its devices.

First, click on device type from the drop down tool menu in the top banner.

Click in the device type you would like to add default requirements to in this display. In this demo I only have one device set up but users could have more.

On the right of the screen there is a box labeled default requirement. Click new requirement to add.

This brings a similar set up to the ad hoc requirements page as users must put a subject, assign it to an admin or manager and any reminders you may want to set. Once you have clicked Create Requirement, a default requirement has been set up! But, it is not applied yet.

Once requirements are created, users are redirected to the device type page. Here, users must click on Update Device Type for the requirement to be applied to all devices under this type.

When default requirements are applied, users can see them displayed next to the device type in its description on the device type page.

This should be used for requirements that are needed for ALL devices, and ad hoc requirements would be used for requirements that are device specific.

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